Additional modules accepted for the bachelor’s and master’s programmes

The following pages list, semester by semester, those courses that are offered in addition to the regular lectures and seminars (modules) from the course catalogue for bachelor's and master's programmes (additional courses).

Furthermore, there is an overview of non-faculty modules that you can also take in addition to the modules listed in the course catalogue for the bachelor's and master's programmes (additional recognition of non-faculty modules for elective areas).

The respective examination regulations ("Prüfungs- und Studienordnung"; in German) are always decisive for the recognition of the individual courses. Therefore, please also note the links to the webpages of the examination and study regulations on the corresponding degree programme websites.

Information on the additional recognition of non-faculty modules (alternative modules) in bachelor's and master's programmes can also be found here:

Three students stand at a bookshelf in a library and look at the books.


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Room 1.135

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